H3ABioNet Grants Management Workshop
Short workshop on NIH grants management to create a sustainable African Bioinformatics Network to support H3Africa researchers
Short workshop on NIH grants management to create a sustainable African Bioinformatics Network to support H3Africa researchers
This course is aimed at H3ABioNet technical staff and students at the partner sites with the skills required to set up and maintain the necessary computational infrastructure and resources
The course is an introduction to the the focus areas of visual analytics. Participants will learn visual analytics skills by working with datasets from catalogues on human genome variation such as 1000 genomes, National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) GWAS Catalog and the Database of Genomic Variations.
This was a workshop aimed at discussing development of bioinformatics curricula for postgraduate bioinformatics programmes and the logistics of starting bioinformatics programmes in African universities
The course is an introductory Bioinformatics course aimed at providing both theoretical and practical skills to postgraduate students working on projects with a significant bioinformatics component.
This course is aimed at preparing H3africa researchers for management of their data. Reseachers will also know what is involved in the data generation,collection and management.
The workshop introduced Linux, R, Python and MySQL.
The workshop will provide a week-long series of training seminars, practical demonstrations, hands-on tutorials and research talks on the use of software tools to analyze and interpret metagenomics data. The scope is quite broad and offers an overview of cutting-edge fundamental theory and practical applications of metagenomics.
Theme of the workshop: Utilizing Microbiome for Translational Products in Africa.